
Thanks for joining us for the "Waste Reduction Mechanisms: Action plan for Self-Funded Employers to Deliver Quality Care" at the World Health Care Congress in Dallas!

Now you know....

That it's possible to transform your health care budget into a competitive advantage...

...That healthcare is not linear. It’s exponential because a very small part of your membership incurs a disproportionately large part of the claims...

...And, most importantly, there are steps you can take to 

Measurably, predictably lower your healthcare costs – period.

We’ve got some tools to get you started:

? Want the map we talked about in our presentation? Get it here

? Would you rather take a deep dive into strategy and planning? We’ve got a book for that!! Click here and we’ll send you a copy.

? Have some questions?  Click here to snag some time on my calendar

Learn exactly how your health spend is crushing your margins, profitability, recruitment, retention and your ability to open new markets and expand:

  • Strategies tactics to reduce frequency and severity of claims
  • How to limit adverse selection risk
  • Reverse your mindset to look at healthcare as Cap X – not Op X – to create a capital allocation that will produce a measurable ROI.

Allison De Paoli

Allison De Paoli is the Founder of Altiqe Consulting, a boutique consulting firm that helps employers reduce, hedge and leverage their health care spend.

She is an author of the Amazon Best Selling book, Breaking Through the Status Quo: How Innovative Companies are Changing the Benefits Game to Help Their Employees and Boost Their Bottom Line and has been recognized as one of the 2019 Top Women in Advising by Benefits Pro Magazine.

Allison and her firm are members of the exclusive NextGeneration Benefits Network (NBN), a national alliance of elite independent benefits firms that are successfully challenging the benefits and healthcare status quo to improve benefits for employees while reducing the costs for employers.

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