I love Sheryl Scully

Sheryl Scully called her contract negotiations with the Police and Fire Unions in San Antonio “contract remodeling.” She needed to bring their benefits costs under controlor they would eventually destroy San Antonio’s Budget.

For most of you, this cost is eating you alive also…. And will continue to do so unless you do a bit of contract remodeling yourself.

Here are three low-effort, high-impact areas you can remodel to avoid having your own budget destroyed:

  • PBM review –using BIG DATA
  • Payment Integrity Audit –some of you are CFOs and you will LOVE THIS…you’ve probably done the same thing in another area of your business… If you are interested in bringing something useful to your CFO, THIS IS IT.
  • Second Opinion –Required! -I am not sure when this went out of fashion, but it has. Less than 5% of people who need surgery seek a second opinion.

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