
Affordable Care Act

rebate money

Insurers Will Pay Record Amount of Rebates to Small Group Plans

While most businesses rarely get rebate checks from their group health insurer, this year may be different as insurance companies are expected to pay back record excess premiums, as required by the Affordable Care Act. The landmark insurance law requires that insurers spend at least 80% of their premium income on medical care and medications, […]

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Dollar house inside bubble

Proposed Rule Would Allow Employers to Reimburse Staff for Health Premiums

The Trump administration is moving ahead with new regulations that would make it easier for employers to enter into health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) with their employees, a practice that can be severely penalized under the Affordable Care Act. Under the proposed regulations – issued by the departments of Labor, Treasury and Health and Human Services

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Employee Benefits Healthcare Coverage

Number of Employers Offering Coverage Grows

The number of companies offering health insurance to their employees has risen for the first time in a decade, according to new research from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. In 2017, almost 47% of private-sector employers offered health insurance, up from 45.3% in 2016. The percentage had previously been dropping steadily since 2008, when more

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Group of doctor arms show OK or confirm sign

A New Health Care Model Tackles Costs, Quality Care

As group health insurance costs continue rising every year, more employers are embracing a new plan model that aims to both cut costs and improve outcomes for patients. This trend, known as value-based primary care, is a bit of an umbrella term for various models that involve direct financial relationships between individuals, employers, their insurers

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Sea of hands

DOL Issues Final Rules for Association Health Plans

The Department of Labor in June issued its final rules for expanding employers’ access to association plans, a move that could result in some increases in premiums for other plans, including Affordable Care Act-compliant small group health plans. The rule in its essence allows more small businesses and self-employed workers to band together to buy

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